Increase productivity, reduce costs and ultimately extend the life of any software application.
Reverse engineering is the process of automatically analyzing and documenting an existing software application.
Re-engineering is the process of using that information both manually and automatically to support, maintain and enhance an application.
RE/parser is an add-on module which can be user-configured to meet customer-specific needs including automated syntax conversion and advanced quality control. |
Impact AnalysisRE/cos includes analysis tools which both enable the impact of proposed changes to be assessed and assist the programmer in locating where modifications need to be made. ProductivityRE/cos increases productivity by reducing investigation time when making a change, and by automatically documenting changes once they have been made. Software TestingRE/cos can help identify which parts of an application require re-testing. |
ReliabilityRE/cos enables system enhancements to be made with fewer design and programmer flaws. Previously unforeseen consequences of a change can be detected during analysis and coding rather than after implementation. Quality ControlThe RE/parser option permits syntax restrictions to Caché Object Script to be enforced and enables Object Script to be validated against in-house programming standards and naming conventions. |