Summarise your applications

RE/metrics shows you a clear summary of the relative complexity of your applications

It is quick and simple to use, and has clear easy to read reports


RE/metrics demonstrates our reverse engineering technology, and uses:
  • A language sensitive parser for a context sensitive analysis
  • A graphical user interface which is simple to use
  • MS COM automation to exploit the richness of the desktop
  • XML and/or spreadsheet based output for maximum flexibility

The comment to code averages, procedure usage analysis, and McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity tests provide an independent, consistent report which will augment your quality assurance programs.

RE/metrics is available in two editions: a free desktop edition for small applications, and the server edition for analysis of large scale and enterprise applications.

Free Download

You can download a free copy of the desktop edition of RE/metrics for small applications by completing the registration form.

RE/metrics requires MS Word and Excel 97 or later to present its results.

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